Explore Your Inner World and Deepen Your Professional Practice

with The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

Image of vista view of mountains from patio

What is the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music?

The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a music-centered depth approach to transformational therapy that uses selected sequences of classical music to support the generation of and movement through inner experiences. In GIM, the music serves as a catalyst and container for imagery that allows one to access and explore both the depths and the heights of the human experience.

Image of peaceful path in lush mountains

What is the Appalachian GIM Institute, LLC?

The Appalachian GIM Institute provides professional training in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music. The training is available to professionals and advanced students in clinical mental health disciplines.

Image of vista view of mountains from patio

What is the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music?

The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a music-centered depth approach to transformational therapy that uses selected sequences of classical music to support the generation of and movement through inner experiences. In GIM, the music serves as a catalyst and container for imagery that allows one to access and explore both the depths and the heights of the human experience.

Image of peaceful path in lush mountains

What is the Appalachian GIM Institute, LLC?

The Appalachian GIM Institute provides professional training in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music. The training is available to professionals and advanced students in clinical mental health disciplines.

About Us


The Appalachian GIM Institute offers all levels of training in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music for qualified professional therapists.


Meet our experienced trainers and trainers-in-training who are dedicated to guiding you through your GIM journey.


Find detailed information about our training program.

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Seminars & Training

Find detailed information about our upcoming courses and workshops, including dates, locations, and instructors.


This immersion in the Bonny Method offers experienced therapists an entryway into training in this method and provides advanced students in music therapy and mental health professions with an experiential taste of the power of music as an agent of change.


Through didactic instruction and supervised practice in the Bonny Method, the Level II training seminar prepares the experienced therapist for beginning practice in the Bonny Method.


Advanced Training in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music is a period of self-directed, mentored independent study that prepares the therapist for the competent professional practice of the Bonny Method and related approaches.


For more information about GIM training, contact us:

(828) 773-4630